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Articles about life in SWFrance

Articles tagged with Advice

Cold Flu or COVID?

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Well Being

The weather is wet, windy and chillier than we are used to, a sure sign that winter is on it’s way which also means that it’s flu jab time for those who are vulnerable.   However, we are all at risk from colds, flu (influenza) and, of course, COVID.  With so many symptoms being similar, how do we know the difference and what action do we need to take?

Take a Shot

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Sport

Thinking of playing golf? We take a light-hearted look at courses, the basic rules and, of course, the all-important etiquette.

Avoid Pet Heat Stroke This Summer!

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Homes and Gardens, Well Being

Many of our pets love the sunshine but that feeling of warmth as they soak in the rays can soon lead to heat stroke and even sunburn if we are not careful. Whether they are guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, donkeys or horses, etc., keeping our animals safe and comfortable in hot weather isn’t always easy but we hope these ideas help.

Learn and Improve Your French

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, French Language

With the exception of a couple of accents, there’s one word that is shared in both French and English that sums up the learning experience: perseverance. However, “perseverance” doesn’t work alone and there’s a huge range of learning options, regardless of whether you are starting from scratch or wanting to improve your French language skills. 

Successful Content Distribution

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Business Insight

As Annabel Jamieson explains, creating great content is one thing – distributing it is another. Content distribution is the key to any successful content marketing strategy. Without distribution, content stagnates. No one sees it.

Case Studies To Drive Success

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Business Insight

Case studies are an important marketing tool for your business – or case studies that convert are. Here, Annabel Jamieson gives us four key elements to consider when creating your case study to ensure it converts.

Assurance about Insurance

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

If you are thinking of moving to France, are a second home owner or already live here, insurance can be a complex subject. We asked Fabien Pelissier of Fab French Insurance, an English-speaking insurance broker, to shine a light on some of the less obvious aspects.

Eye in the Sky Update

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Eye in the Sky Update:  As well as checking for non-registered swimming pools, drones are now circling the skies looking for cabins and other structures that are over the “no planning permission required” size.  For m ore info go to


Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Wherever you are from in the world, if you speak English and live, work or have an interest in South West France, The Local Buzz is for you!
Looking for a local business or information about our region? You can find English speaking businesses in our regionalised business directory as well as the business advertisements that appear all over our webpages.
Join in with our new Business Insight pages! This is where local experts give us their advice on all things business, health, food and lifestyle. You will find them in the articles section on this website. If you have something you would like to say, email
You will also find a wealth of informative features in our articles pages, including our Seven Wonder pieces which look at fabulous villages that you may not have heard of.

Financial Property Matters

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Andrea Glover, International Financial Adviser at The Spectrum IFA Group, highlights the questions that she is being asked most frequently at the moment by both existing and prospective clients.

The Spring Clean-Up

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Homes and Gardens

We take a look at what Mrs Beeton had to say about spring cleaning – these notes are from the 13th impression of the 1960 version which still refers to the “young housewife” but, by then, the title had changed to Cookery and Household Management. Click here to go to link or read the full article in the Feb to Apr 2021 issue at

Post Brexit Pensions and Investments

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

After several years of uncertainty, the UK has now fully left the EU and whilst many of us understand exactly what that mean in terms of French residency requirements, the impact on the financial services world is only just starting to unfold.

We asked Andrea Glover, International Financial Adviser at The Spectrum IFA Group, for her thoughts on the matter and to provide guidance to those of us who are affected.

Safety is our primary concern

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

We take the safety of our readers and our distributors very seriously and that was the primary concern when it came to whether or not we printed this latest version. There were other concerns too ….

New Travel Restrictions 1 Feb 2021

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

New rules on travel are now in force with travel in and out of France to countries outside of the EU being banned unless there are compelling reasons.
Rules have also been tightened on entry to France from within the EU and Schengen zone, with PCR tests and new forms required for most travellers, including a sworn declaration. 
A link to these new forms can be found in this article.
In addition, working from home is strongly encouraged, police are  cracking down on curfew breakers, and non-food shopping centres over 20,000 sq m in size are closed.  

Meanwhile, details on how to book a vaccination can be found at

Keep safe everyone.

Deliciously Festive

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

A new, deliciously festive take on the traditional feast with pigeon and bubbly wines from Emma (chef) and John (sommelier) Gilchrist

Positive Thoughts

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

This is likely to be a Christmas and New Year unlike any other and presents an ideal opportunity to relive the parlour games of the past, or bring “new life” to some of our family favourites. As travel restrictions and social distancing rules may alter our festivities this year, we thought it might be fun to take a look at games that can be played in small groups or via a meeting apps such as FaceTime or Zoom!

Fun and Games

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Special Occasions, Well Being

This is likely to be a Christmas and New Year unlike any other and presents an ideal opportunity to relive the parlour games of the past, or bring “new life” to some of our family favourites.  As travel restrictions and social distancing rules may alter our festivities this year, we thought it might be fun to take a look at games that can be played in small groups or via a meeting apps such as FaceTime or Zoom

Lobster and Beetroot Salad with Lemon Oil

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Food and Drink, Guest Chef recipes

Showcasing local products from the Lot, Le Balandre restaurant at the centuries-old, family-run Terminus Hotel in Cahors offers stunningly delicious cuisine such as this Lobster and Beetroot Salad. Mixing traditional and original creations with the finest ingredients, Chef Alexandre Marre prepares his food without artificial additives or superfluous ingredients, allowing the true flavours to be savoured.

Working from Home?

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Here are some top tips from our working from home article that will be appearing in our next issue.
If it looks like this may be a more permanent scenario for you, the upcoming article provides ideas and suggestions about how to make working from home really work well for you.

Covid Curfew

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

The curfew starts today and with it comes a NEW ATTESTATION FORM. You can find a link by clicking here.

We asked three experts how we can keep positive during this difficult time and they had some really good suggestions. You can see what they had to say in our Well Being feature in the Dec/Jan issue – just click read online.

We will come through this – let’s make the most of it and look forward to a new year.

For a quick guide about the new rules from 15 December see 15 December The New Rules in the Advice section of our Articles pages.

The renovation dream

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Property

The prices are low, the houses are beautiful: what’s not to like about the idea of doing up an old French farmhouse and making it the home of your dreams?
Many have trod this path. Most end up with the renovation dream intact. For some it quickly turns into a terrifying nightmare.

French Insurance Explained

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Whether you live or work here or are considering a move to France, French insurance is one of those must have’s in terms of contract and knowledge. We asked Léna Eaton of Agence Generali for a straightforward overview.

French Property Tax

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES, Property

It’s that time of year when property tax comes to the fore. If you own a property in France you could be eligible for two taxes each year in the form of Taxe Foncières and Taxe d’habitation.

What’s In our Latest Issue?

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

READER SURVEY: Here at The Local Buzz we really do want to continue to improve our offering and bring you the best possible experience, so we are asking for your help.  If you can spare a couple of minutes, please click HERE.  Thank you, your help is very much appreciated.

Take a look in our October/November issue to hear more about buying or selling cars, autumn gardening, do you need to pay Taxe d’Habitation,  or perhaps you would like to improve your golf?  Plus, there’s some fabulous food and wine ideas, legal advice, guest chef recipes, a City focus and, of course, a great reader offer and a new prize competition.  Don’t forget that you can still read and download all of our magazines, including the latest issue!

Pensions and Investment

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

The coronavirus pandemic is having a huge impact on our daily lives and finances.  For many readers there is also an impact on their pension and investment funds due to extreme volatility in the financial markets and global economic disruption.

Pensions Update – potential changes

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Tony Delvalle and Andrea Glover are International Financial Advisers at The Spectrum IFA Group.  We asked them what are the current top three ‘hot topics’ with clients, particularly affecting retirees.

Inheritance Tax

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Sally Dilks, Associate at Buckles Solicitors LLP, explains why Estate planning for your French assets need not be taxing.

France/UK Power of Attorney

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Power of attorney arrangements allow an individual’s financial and health affairs to be looked after by someone else, the attorney, if they lose mental capacity in the future. Tony Delvalle of The Spectrum IFA Group explains how they can help to relieve stress at the most difficult of times.

Ask Katie

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Katie Gardner is a fully-Qualified CBT Counsellor and 10-year expat based on the border of 47/24. She’s here to answer your questions

World Cancer Day – Fighting Cancer Together

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Organised by the UICC, a membership organisation dedicated to Fighting Cancer Together, World Cancer Day heralds the start of a 3-year call-to-action. Its aim is to encourage everyone to act now and make a personal commitment to reduce the impact of cancer on themselves, the people they love and to help others across the globe.

Ask Katie

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

This lady has lots of friends and family around her but she cannot get over the trauma of losing her partner

Winterising your pool

Tagged with: Advice, ARTICLES

Some do, some don’t – but should we? We asked Rudolf de Lang, a pool technician with 25 years experience and a specialist in electronic leak detection, to explain the benefits.

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