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BBQ Food for SW France

Who doesn’t love a BBQ, especially with inspirational, fresh-tasting food like this.   When the sun is shining, BBQs are definitely the order of the day.

Established in 2016 by Lee McNeal and Michael Rumsby, Le 1500 in Saussignac serves largely organic fare, including vegetarian and vegan dishes, prepared daily. Inspired by seasonal choice, the use of precision weighing scales is a rare event in a kitchen where intuition and personal flavor preferences lead the way.

Here is a great selection of dishes with which to enjoy BBQ food in SW France.  All recipes serve 4 and make sure the BBQ is searing hot.

BBQ Food for SW France

BBQHarissa Steak Served with a Chunky Salsa of Griddled Pepper, Tomato, Orange & Feta

600g Sirloin steak

2tsp Harissa paste

2 Purple garlic cloves

1 Red & 1 yellow pepper

2 Beef tomatoes

1 Large orange, peeled

Lemon juice to taste

A handful of basil leaves, torn

250g Greek feta, crumbled

2tbs Yoghurt

Sel de Guerande, cracked pepper

Salad leaves

Smother the steak in harissa, add chopped garlic to taste, marinade overnight. Chop the tomatoes and peppers into large chunks, sprinkle with olive oil and season. BBQ the peppers, turning them every few minutes. Remove, add to tomatoes, drizzle with lemon juice, add orange chunks, Feta and sprinkle with basil.

Sear the steak on all sides until blackened, rest it five minutes before slicing. Arrange on leaves, drizzle with yoghurt, add salsa to one side.

BBQ Food for SW France

Seared Tuna in a Lemon & Dijon Sauce with Black Rice & Garden Fresh Peas

400g Fresh tuna steak

1 Lemon (juice & zest)

1tbs Dijon mustard

600ml Heavy cream

1 Half white onion

1 Garlic clove finely chopped

1 Shot of milk

1 Knob of butter

Salt & Pepper to season

4 Pea pods

200gm Black rice

Fresh dill

Cook the rice until al dente. Drain and set aside.

Sweat the garlic and onion in a heavy bottomed, buttered pan. Once translucent add the cream, mustard, and lemon juice (to taste). Season. Add a shot or two of milk until a perfect sauce consistency.

Blanch the pea pods for 30 seconds. Carefully remove the string from the top of the pod downwards, fold open and set aside. Sear the tuna for 30 seconds each side, remove and slice width ways.

Pour the sauce into a bowl-shaped plate, add a black rice quenelle, arrange the tuna and top with the pea pod. Garnish with a dill frond and serve this fresh, super tasty BBQ food for SW France.

Warm Charred Carrot, Fennel & Asparagus Salad with Spiced Maple Yoghurt (vegetarian)

6 Different colored carrots with leaves

2 Fennel bulbs

A handful of asparagus spears

1tsp Ground turmeric

1tsp Fennel seeds

1tsp Cumin seeds

1tbsp Maple syrup

2tbsp Red wine vinegar

2tbsp Olive oil

300g Yoghurt

Salt and Pepper

Fresh dill fronds

500g Rocket

Trim the greenery and scrub the carrots, cut in half lengthways and blanch for 8 minutes until cooked (not limp). Trim and quarter the fennel bulbs, keeping any fronds. Marinade the carrots and fennel with the turmeric, fennel seeds, cumin seeds, maple syrup, vinegar and olive oil for at least two hours or overnight.

Using tongs, pick the vegetables from the marinade and BBQ (fennel needs slightly longer), turning until chargrilled and cooked. Remove and cool slightly. Grill the asparagus, allowing the entire spear to blister and blacken.

Combine the marinade and yoghurt and spoon two helpings onto a plate. Sprinkle with rocket and place vegetables on top. Season and garnish with fennel fronds.

First published in the July/August 2019 issue of The Local Buzz

Images: Le 1500 and Shutterstock

Fabulous Things


